Pyorbital is a python package to compute orbital parameters for satellites from TLE files as well as astronomical parameters of interest for satellite remote sensing. Currently Pyorbital only supports low earth orbit satellites.
Pyorbital is available from the Python Package Index (PyPI) via pip or from the conda-forge conda channel. To install from PyPI in an existing environment:
pip install pyorbital
Or in an existing conda-based environment:
conda install -c conda-forge pyorbital
From Source
Pyorbital can also be installed from source. If you want to install pyorbital from the latest in-development version on GitHub you can run:
pip install git+
However, if you instead want to edit the source code and see the changes reflected when you run the code you can clone the git repository and install it in “editable” mode:
git clone git://
cd pyorbital
pip install -e .
Add platform missing information
Pyorbital comes with a file platforms.txt that maps a satellite name to the NORAD identifier.
This file already contain many low earth orbiting environmental or meteorological satellites and thus likely be sufficient for your purpose.
But should it not contain your satellites of interest make a copy of the
file and add the missing satellites and their NORAD identifiers and place
the file in the directory pointed to by PYORBITAL_CONFIG_PATH
The NORAD identifier can be found as the first number of each line in the Two-Line Elements files (eg. from celestrak).
Pyorbital comes with a small script
to check whether a
satellite is already supported.
python -m pyorbital.check_platform -s NOAA-21
[INFO: 2023-01-22 21:20:25 : pyorbital.tlefile] Satellite NOAA-21 is supported. NORAD number: 54234
[INFO: 2023-01-22 21:20:25 : pyorbital.tlefile] Satellite names and NORAD numbers are defined in /path/to/pyorbital/etc/directory/platforms.txt
TLE files
Pyorbital has a module for parsing NORAD TLE-files
>>> from pyorbital import tlefile
>>> tle ='noaa 18', '/path/to/my/tle_file.txt')
>>> tle.inclination
If no path is provided pyorbital first tries to read any local TLE files defined by the
environment variable TLES
giving a glob pattern that can be used to retrieve all relevant files:
If this variable is not set Pyorbital will try get the earth observation TLE files over the internet
from celestrak. Note this downloading only happens if no
specific TLE file is provided or if the TLES
environment variable is not set.
TLE download and database
The historical TLE files can be requested from celestrak’s request page.
There is also a script,
, that can be used to collect
TLE data from several locations. The currently supported locations
generic network locations without login
Space-Track (login credentials needed)
local files
The data are saved in a SQLite3 database, and can be written to a file
after each run. To see configuration options, see the example
configuration in examples/tle.yaml
Computing satellite position
The orbital module enables computation of satellite position and velocity at a specific time:
>>> from pyorbital.orbital import Orbital
>>> import datetime as dt
>>> # Use current TLEs from the internet:
>>> orb = Orbital("Suomi NPP")
>>> now =
>>> # Get normalized position and velocity of the satellite:
>>> orb.get_position(now)
(array([-0.20015267, 0.09001458, 1.10686756]),
array([ 0.06148495, 0.03234914, 0.00846805]))
>>> # Get longitude, latitude and altitude of the satellite:
>>> orb.get_lonlatalt(now)
(40.374855865574951, 78.849923885700363, 839.62504115338368)
Use actual TLEs to increase accuracy
>>> from pyorbital.orbital import Orbital
>>> import datetime as dt
>>> orb = Orbital("Suomi NPP")
>>> dtobj = dt.datetime(2015,2,7,3,0)
>>> orb.get_lonlatalt(dtobj)
(152.11564698762811, 20.475251739329622, 829.37355785502211)
But since we are interested in knowing the position of the Suomi-NPP more than two and half years from now (September 26, 2017) we can not rely on the current TLEs, but rather need a TLE closer to the time of interest:
>>> snpp = Orbital('Suomi NPP', tle_file='/path/to/tle/files/tle-20150207.txt')
>>> snpp.get_lonlatalt(dtobj)
(105.37373804512762, 79.160752404540133, 838.94605490133154)
If we take a TLE from one week earlier we get a slightly different result:
>>> snpp = Orbital('Suomi NPP', tle_file='/path/to/tle/files/tle-20150131.txt')
>>> snpp.get_lonlatalt(dtobj)
(104.1539184988462, 79.328272480878141, 838.81555967963391)
Computing astronomical parameters
The astronomy module enables computation of certain parameters of interest for satellite remote sensing for instance the Sun-zenith angle:
>>> from pyorbital import astronomy
>>> import datetime as dt
>>> utc_time = dt.datetime(2012, 5, 15, 15, 45)
>>> lon, lat = 12, 56
>>> astronomy.sun_zenith_angle(utc_time, lon, lat)
It is possible (but not mandatory) to define this environment variable to have full control of certain static data used by Pyorbital:
Pyorbital comes with a file platforms.txt that maps a satellite name to the NORAD identifier. This internal file is accessed by Pyorbital without the user having to do anything. But if you need to change or update this file you can make your own copy and place in the directory pointed to by this environment variable.
Two Line Element (TLE) files are accessed automatically over the internet without the user having to do anything. When doing that Pyorbital will fetch the most recent TLE data which may not be the most optimal for historic data for instance. Also, it may not be sustainable in a production environment.
However, it is possible to let Pyorbital look for the necessary and more optimal TLE data locally, by specifying locations where such local TLE files are located. If the TLES environment variable is set to a glob pattern to local locations, Pyorbital will first search for the needed TLEs there. This can both be useful in an operational setup where access to the internet is restricted, and when processing old/historic satellite data.
It is possible (but not mandatory) to define this environment variable.
Orbital computations
Module for computing the orbital parameters of satellites.
- class pyorbital.orbital.OrbitElements(tle)
Class holding the orbital elements.
- class pyorbital.orbital.Orbital(satellite, tle_file=None, line1=None, line2=None)
Class for orbital computations.
The satellite parameter is the name of the satellite to work on and is used to retrieve the right TLE data for internet or from tle_file in case it is provided.
- find_aol(utc_time, lon, lat)
Find AOL.
- find_aos(utc_time, lon, lat)
Find AOS.
- get_equatorial_crossing_time(tstart, tend, node='ascending', local_time=False, rtol=1e-09)
Estimate the equatorial crossing time of an orbit.
The crossing time is determined via the orbit number, which increases by one if the spacecraft passes the ascending node at the equator. A bisection algorithm is used to find the time of that passage.
- Parameters:
tstart – Start time of the orbit
tend – End time of the orbit. Orbit number at the end must be at least one greater than at the start. If there are multiple revolutions in the given time interval, the crossing time of the last revolution in that interval will be computed.
node – Specifies whether to compute the crossing time at the ascending or descending node. Choices: (‘ascending’, ‘descending’).
local_time – By default the UTC crossing time is returned. Use this flag to convert UTC to local time.
rtol – Tolerance of the bisection algorithm. The smaller the tolerance, the more accurate the result.
- get_last_an_time(utc_time)
Calculate time of last ascending node relative to the specified time.
- get_lonlatalt(utc_time)
Calculate sublon, sublat and altitude of satellite.
- get_next_passes(utc_time, length, lon, lat, alt, tol=0.001, horizon=0)
Calculate passes for the next hours for a given start time and a given observer.
Original by Martin.
- Utc_time:
Observation time (datetime object)
- Length:
Number of hours to find passes (int)
- Lon:
Longitude of observer position on ground (float)
- Lat:
Latitude of observer position on ground (float)
- Alt:
Altitude above sea-level (geoid) in km of observer position on ground (float)
- Tol:
precision of the result in seconds
- Horizon:
the elevation of horizon to compute risetime and falltime.
- Returns:
[(rise-time, fall-time, max-elevation-time), …]
- get_observer_look(utc_time, lon, lat, alt)
Calculate observers look angle to a satellite.
utc_time: Observation time (datetime object) lon: Longitude of observer position on ground in degrees east lat: Latitude of observer position on ground in degrees north alt: Altitude above sea-level (geoid) of observer position on ground in km
Return: (Azimuth, Elevation)
- get_orbit_number(utc_time, tbus_style=False, as_float=False)
Calculate orbit number at specified time.
- Parameters:
utc_time – UTC time as a datetime.datetime object.
tbus_style – If True, use TBUS-style orbit numbering (TLE orbit number + 1)
as_float – Return a continuous orbit number as float.
- get_position(utc_time, normalize=True)
Get the cartesian position and velocity from the satellite.
- utc2local(utc_time)
Convert UTC to local time.
- exception pyorbital.orbital.OrbitalError
Custom exception for the Orbital class.
- pyorbital.orbital.get_observer_look(sat_lon, sat_lat, sat_alt, utc_time, lon, lat, alt)
Calculate observers look angle to a satellite.
- Utc_time:
Observation time (datetime object)
- Lon:
Longitude of observer position on ground in degrees east
- Lat:
Latitude of observer position on ground in degrees north
- Alt:
Altitude above sea-level (geoid) of observer position on ground in km
- Returns:
(Azimuth, Elevation)
- pyorbital.orbital.kep2xyz(kep)
Keppler to cartesian coordinates conversion.
(Not sure what ‘kep’ actually refers to, just guessing! FIXME!)
TLE handling
Classes and functions for handling TLE files.
- exception pyorbital.tlefile.ChecksumError
- class pyorbital.tlefile.Downloader(config)
Class for downloading TLE data.
- fetch_plain_tle()
Fetch plain text-formated TLE data.
- fetch_spacetrack()
Fetch TLE data from Space-Track.
- read_tle_files()
Read TLE data from files.
- read_xml_admin_messages()
Read Eumetsat admin messages in XML format.
- pyorbital.tlefile.SATELLITES = {'ALOS-2': '39766', 'CALIPSO': '29108', 'CLOUDSAT': '29107', 'CRYOSAT-2': '36508', 'CSK-1': '31598', 'CSK-2': '32376', 'CSK-3': '33412', 'CSK-4': '37216', 'DMSP-F15': '25991', 'DMSP-F16': '28054', 'DMSP-F17': '29522', 'DMSP-F18': '35951', 'DMSP-F19': '39630', 'EOS-AQUA': '27424', 'EOS-AURA': '28376', 'EOS-TERRA': '25994', 'FY-2D': '29640', 'FY-2E': '33463', 'FY-2F': '38049', 'FY-2G': '40367', 'FY-3A': '32958', 'FY-3B': '37214', 'FY-3C': '39260', 'FY-3D': '43010', 'FY-3E': '49008', 'FY-3F': '57490', 'FY-3G': '56232', 'GOES-13': '29155', 'GOES-14': '35491', 'GOES-15': '36411', 'GOES-16': '41866', 'GOES-17': '43226', 'GOES-18': '51850', 'GOES-19': '60133', 'HIMAWARI-6': '28622', 'HIMAWARI-7': '28937', 'HIMAWARI-8': '40267', 'HIMAWARI-9': '41836', 'INSAT-3A': '27714', 'INSAT-3C': '27298', 'INSAT-3D': '39216', 'JASON-2': '33105', 'KALPANA-1': '27525', 'LANDSAT-7': '25682', 'LANDSAT-8': '39084', 'METEOSAT-10': '38552', 'METEOSAT-11': '40732', 'METEOSAT-12': '54743', 'METEOSAT-7': '24932', 'METEOSAT-8': '27509', 'METEOSAT-9': '28912', 'METOP-A': '29499', 'METOP-B': '38771', 'METOP-C': '43689', 'NOAA-10': '16969', 'NOAA-11': '19531', 'NOAA-12': '21263', 'NOAA-14': '23455', 'NOAA-15': '25338', 'NOAA-16': '26536', 'NOAA-17': '27453', 'NOAA-18': '28654', 'NOAA-19': '33591', 'NOAA-20': '43013', 'NOAA-21': '54234', 'NOAA-6': '11416', 'NOAA-7': '12553', 'NOAA-8': '13923', 'NOAA-9': '15427', 'RADARSAT-2': '32382', 'SENTINEL-1A': '39634', 'SENTINEL-1B': '41456', 'SENTINEL-2A': '40697', 'SENTINEL-2B': '42063', 'SENTINEL-3A': '41335', 'SENTINEL-3B': '43437', 'SENTINEL-5P': '42969', 'SMOS': '36036', 'SPOT-5': '27421', 'SPOT-6': '38755', 'SPOT-7': '40053', 'SUOMI-NPP': '37849', 'TANDEM-X': '36605', 'TERRASAR-X': '31698', 'TIROS-N': '11060'}
The platform numbers are given in a file $PYORBITAL_CONFIG_PATH/platforms.txt in the following format:
# Mappings between satellite catalogue numbers and corresponding # platform names from OSCAR. ALOS-2 39766 CloudSat 29107 CALIPSO 29108 CryoSat-2 36508 CSK-1 31598 CSK-2 32376 CSK-3 33412 CSK-4 37216 DMSP-F15 25991 DMSP-F16 28054 DMSP-F17 29522 DMSP-F18 35951 DMSP-F19 39630 EOS-Aqua 27424 EOS-Aura 28376 EOS-Terra 25994 FY-2D 29640 FY-2E 33463 FY-2F 38049 FY-2G 40367 FY-3A 32958 FY-3B 37214 FY-3C 39260 FY-3D 43010 FY-3E 49008 FY-3F 57490 FY-3G 56232 GOES-13 29155 GOES-14 35491 GOES-15 36411 GOES-16 41866 GOES-17 43226 GOES-18 51850 GOES-19 60133 Himawari-6 28622 Himawari-7 28937 Himawari-8 40267 Himawari-9 41836 INSAT-3A 27714 INSAT-3C 27298 INSAT-3D 39216 JASON-2 33105 Kalpana-1 27525 Landsat-7 25682 Landsat-8 39084 Meteosat-7 24932 Meteosat-8 27509 Meteosat-9 28912 Meteosat-10 38552 Meteosat-11 40732 Meteosat-12 54743 Metop-A 29499 Metop-B 38771 Metop-C 43689 TIROS-N 11060 NOAA-6 11416 NOAA-7 12553 NOAA-8 13923 NOAA-9 15427 NOAA-10 16969 NOAA-11 19531 NOAA-12 21263 NOAA-14 23455 NOAA-15 25338 NOAA-16 26536 NOAA-17 27453 NOAA-18 28654 NOAA-19 33591 NOAA-20 43013 NOAA-21 54234 RadarSat-2 32382 Sentinel-1A 39634 Sentinel-1B 41456 Sentinel-2A 40697 Sentinel-2B 42063 Sentinel-3A 41335 Sentinel-3B 43437 Sentinel-5P 42969 SMOS 36036 SPOT-5 27421 SPOT-6 38755 SPOT-7 40053 Suomi-NPP 37849 TanDEM-X 36605 TerraSAR-X 31698
- class pyorbital.tlefile.SQLiteTLE(db_location, platforms, writer_config)
Store TLE data in a sqlite3 database.
- close()
Close the database.
- update_db(tle, source)
Update the collected data.
Only data with newer epoch than the existing one is used.
- write_tle_txt()
Write TLE data to a text file.
- class pyorbital.tlefile.Tle(platform, tle_file=None, line1=None, line2=None)
Class holding TLE objects.
- property line1
Return first TLE line.
- property line2
Return second TLE line.
- property platform
Return satellite platform name.
- exception pyorbital.tlefile.TleDownloadTimeoutError
TLE download timeout exception.
- pyorbital.tlefile.check_is_platform_supported(satname)
Check if satellite is supported and print info.
- pyorbital.tlefile.collect_filenames(paths)
Collect all filenames from paths.
- pyorbital.tlefile.fetch(destination)
Fetch TLE from internet and save it to destination.
- pyorbital.tlefile.get_platforms_filepath()
Get the platforms.txt file path.
Check that the file exists or raise an error.
- pyorbital.tlefile.main()
Run a test TLE reading.
-, tle_file=None, line1=None, line2=None)
Read TLE for platform.
The data are read from tle_file, from line1 and line2, from the newest file provided in the TLES pattern, or from internet if none is provided.
- pyorbital.tlefile.read_platform_numbers(filename, in_upper=False, num_as_int=False)
Read platform numbers from $PYORBITAL_CONFIG_PATH/platforms.txt.
- pyorbital.tlefile.read_tle_from_mmam_xml_file(fname)
Read TLE data from MMAM XMl file (EUMETSAT).
- pyorbital.tlefile.read_tles_from_mmam_xml_files(paths)
Read TLE data from a list of MMAM XMl file (EUMETSAT).
MMAM = Multi-Mission Administration Message
- pyorbital.tlefile.table_exists(db, name)
Check if the table ‘name’ exists in the database.
Astronomical computations
Angle and time-based astronomy functions.
Parts taken from
Note on argument types
Many of these functions accept Python datetime objects, numpy datetime64 objects, or anything that can be turned into a numpy array of datetime64 objects. These objects are inherently 64-bit so if other arguments (ex. longitude and latitude arrays) are 32-bit floats internal operations will be automatically promoted to 64-bit floating point numbers. Where possible these are then converted back to 32-bit before being returned. In general scalar inputs will also produce scalar outputs.
- pyorbital.astronomy.cos_zen(utc_time, lon, lat)
Derive the cosine of the sun-zenith angle for lon, lat at utc_time.
utc_time: datetime.datetime instance of the UTC time lon: Longitude in degrees lat: Latitude in degrees. Returns: Cosine of the sun zenith angle.
- pyorbital.astronomy.get_alt_az(utc_time, lon, lat)
Return sun altitude and azimuth from utc_time, lon, and lat.
lon,lat in degrees The returned angles are given in radians.
- pyorbital.astronomy.gmst(utc_time)
Greenwich mean sidereal utc_time, in radians.
As defined in the AIAA 2006 implementation:
- pyorbital.astronomy.jdays(utc_time)
Get the julian day of utc_time.
- pyorbital.astronomy.jdays2000(utc_time)
Get the days since year 2000.
- pyorbital.astronomy.observer_position(utc_time, lon, lat, alt)
Calculate observer ECI position.
- pyorbital.astronomy.sun_earth_distance_correction(utc_time)
Calculate the sun earth distance correction, relative to 1 AU.
- pyorbital.astronomy.sun_ecliptic_longitude(utc_time)
Ecliptic longitude of the sun at utc_time.
- pyorbital.astronomy.sun_ra_dec(utc_time)
Right ascension and declination of the sun at utc_time.
- pyorbital.astronomy.sun_zenith_angle(utc_time, lon, lat)
Sun-zenith angle for lon, lat at utc_time.
lon,lat in degrees. The sun zenith angle returned is in degrees.